The nervous and endocrine systems are balanced and toned. and The brain cells are nourished and stimulated, resulting in increased mental clarity, emotional stability, and a greater sense of overall well being.
Improves Coordination
Quick mastery of basic motor, communicative, and cognitive skills. Helps children with learning disabilities develop greater concentration, balance, and composure in their daily lives.
Dissolves Emotional Blocks
Pranayama and asanas work hand-in-hand to balance and integrate different physiological functions and to help dis-solve emotional blocks and negative habits and patterns that can ob-struct the flow of vital energy within the body.
Decreases Stress
Regular practice of deep relaxation helps to release tension and prevent the build-up of stress. This is useful in calming down kids and helping them focus better in their activities.
Improves Well Being
Yoga leads to having a healthy lifestyle by balancing the mind and body.